Sunday, November 18, 2007
Another useful tool that has many applications in a library environment. But which is the best way to disseminate information to our public? Blogs or wikis or both? Wikis are definitely more interactive and easy to change. This is something our library staff will have to examine shortly, as we are in the process of completely redeveloping our website.

After playing in the sandbox, adding or altering an entry is just like editing a normal word document. Extremely flexible and a great way to have people from all over the world contributing their collective knowledge. I can see a wiki being very useful in gathering local history information, as it will not just be restricted to people living in one particular area. Collecting memories internationally would provide unique insights to perceptions of an area.

I have been using the library success wiki ( for over 12 months and have found it a great resource and it even has some Australian content appearing now. A little disappointing that now an email confirmation is now required because of vandalism and this is obviously a negative of utilising a wiki. I can see that wikis would be extremely additive for family history reserachers and would like to see one develop for this library service. I must admit most of my time was spent looking at the SJCPL Subject Guide Wiki under genealogy/family history and imagining what could be achieved!
posted by Bookwormer at 5:31 PM |