Technology has provided a range of options to make our life easier, but in the process has led to many people feeling overwhelmed and suffering from "techno-stress". Sleep becomes difficult as brains can be over stimulated from information overload.
I'm sure we all experience it at some stage - you get to work and discover a number of emails waiting in your inbox, a couple of voice messages and throw in a fax or two and it appears every one of them requires an immediate response. The perceived need to immediately respond to emails is growing (how many times have you had a phone call - "
did you receive my email"? with the implied "
why haven't you responded?) and mobile phones means that people are contactable at any stage throughout the day. I have recently seen some examples of mobile phone use that defy belief - from a person at the supermarket phoning home to ask what brand of cereal to purchase to a business woman taking a call (in the library of all places) to critique a list of applicants that had obviously just interviewed, without any thought to all of us who could hear her. What about privacy for those applicants??
Even my traditional family camping trip on the banks of the Murray River has evolved from no communication at all from the outside world (apart from a radio) to mobile phones chirping signifying a call/recent email/text message, portable tv's and dvd players - all the trappings of modern life that we were going camping to get away from!
Don't get me wrong - I love my gadgets and appreciate the ability to find information at any time of the day or night. It just seems that information overload is a real problem and it is a matter of discovering a balance. We need to understand the importance of technology and how it can enhance working and social life, while ensuring it doesn't dominate all our time. I'm sure the younger generations will have a differing view...
Let's hope what we will learn over the next few weeks will help us achieve this balance!
For further information regarding techno stress